Joe Biden Talked Family & Politics At The L.A. Times Ideas Exchange

On Wednesday, January 10th, former Vice President Joe Biden brought his "American Promise Tour" to Los Angeles.  The tour is to promote his new memoir, Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose.  Biden's visit to Los Angeles was held as part of the L.A. Times Ideas Exchange, and Biden was interviewed by the Times' writer, Pat Morrison.

Morrison asked Biden why he decided to write this memoir.  He replied, "I wrote the book for selfish reasons.  I wanted my family to know what that year of hardship and struggle was like for me from my point of view.  I also wanted to give hope to others that might read it.  I wanted to write a book to let people know that there is hope and purpose."  

Morrison asked Biden if he regretted not running for President this last election.  He responded that, in fact, he had planned to run.  His family wanted him to.  However, once his son Beau became ill, he chose not to.  Biden stated that everybody expected that he would run, and he never told anyone other than Barack Obama, what was going on in his life, with his son, and his decision not to run for President.  

He said that even Hilary Clinton didn't know he had decided not to run, and when she visited him to check in about whether or not he was planning to make a bid for president before she decided to announce her own candidacy, all he would tell her is that he had not made a final decision. He chose to withhold the truth because he was afraid it would make it obvious that his son was dying, and he did not want to let others know what he was going through.

In regard to Hilary, Biden expressed respect and admiration for her, saying she would have made a great President.  He stated he fully supported her and had campaigned with, and for, her many times.  Biden dismissed rumors that Hilary was power hungry stating, “Everybody thinks that Hilary has this overwhelming ambition. … I didn’t see her that way.  I saw her as a woman who saw it as her responsibility to run.  A woman who knew if she didn’t run, she’d be letting down millions of women around the country.”

Biden talked a lot about his son, Beau, and how Beau helped him to always keep his values and priorities in front of him.  Biden stated that Beau believed we are defined by our courage and loyalty.  When he was nominated for Vice President, Beau hugged him and said, "Home base, dad.  Home Base", which was his way of telling Biden to "remember who you are".

Morrison asked Biden what it's like to watch Trump trying to dismantle all of the work he & Obama had done.  He replied, "We (he & Obama) talk about it.  The truth is, he (Trump) can try to dismantle whatever he wants, but the American people are beyond it.  We have crossed the Rubicon on these issues, and there is no going back."

Some of Biden's other thoughts on Trump: 
"I worry about foreign policy...  I worry about what he'll do by omission, as much as by commission." 

"I don't think he (Trump) realizes the weight that the words of the President carries." 

"I'd never thought I'd see the day when fascists are carrying torches in our streets are being supported by an American president.  Nazis and white supremacists marching, and protestors rallying against them being told they are morally equivalent."

"We need the press now more than ever."

In a reference to Oprah Winfrey's speech at the Golden Globes, Morrison asked Biden who he thought should run for president, Oprah or L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti.  Biden responded that he has a lot of respect for Oprah, and thinks she is smart and capable enough.  "Does she want to to do it (run for office)?  I don't know, but she needs some foreign policy experience."  Biden went on to also express admiration for Garcetti, stating he would be a good candidate.  Other people Biden said he respected included Cory Booker.

Biden then talked about the qualities he believes the next president should have. He said the future leader should have:
1. A strategic vision for the nation and its role in the world
2. The ability to convince people that they’re authentic
3. The ability to reach across the aisle and build consensus
4. A vision for how to expand the middle class

When members of the audience shouted out encouragement to Biden for him to run in the next presidential election he responded, “There will be a Biden president, and her name will be Finn Biden, if she chooses to run,” referring to one of his granddaughters.
